Resources. baboons(300)


I am using this page to assemble resources that may be useful to those who are either in therapy or are thinking about it. It is work in progress and I would be pleased to take suggestions about what I might include here.

Any time a voice is talking to you that is not talking with love and compassion, DON’T BELIEVE IT! … Even if it’s talking about someone else, don’t believe it. Even if it is directed at someone else, it is the voice of your own self-hate. It is simply hating you through an external object.
- Cheri Huber

Links and Contact Details

Click here for a special page which gives links and contact details for useful national and local organisations. I do want you to call me, but it seems fair that you should know what else is out there.

At the moment I know virtually nothing about organisations specific to Scotland or the Stirling area, but I aim to put that right in the next few months. Suggestions very welcome.

Organisations listing therapists and counsellors are set out on the Really Important Questions page.

Selected reading

Click here for a list of books which could be useful in thinking about therapy or specific problems, or which you might find inspirational in tough times. They are not intended to be comprehensive but I will add to them from time to time and am happy to consider suggestions.


Click on Therapyeye to take you to the blog of a working therapist.

Resources. Depression


A large proportion of my clients come to me suffering from depression or anxiety. Click here for a substantial document which is intended to help anyone who suffers from depression, or who cares about someone who does.

Resources. Anxiety and Panic

Anxiety and Panic

Click here for a substantial document about anxiety and panic.

Resources. Significant Others

General Points for Significant Others

This is a short document for "significant others". It is intended for anyone who has a friend or loved one who may be going through a tough time or thinking about therapy.

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