Contact Details
My Stirling practice is in the Kings Park Area, just opposite the golf course, about ten minutes walk from the centre of the city. There is easy parking, with a small charge in the day. Click here for marked Stirling map. (The red arrow is a little too far to the north.)
I work Monday to Wednesday in Stirling and am happy to start at 8.00 am if required. I aim to start my last appointment no later than 8.15 pm. Evenings are popular times, and I am likely to have more availability in the day.
I do not normally offer sessions at the weekend.
If we decide to meet I can send you full details of how to get to your appointment.
Many people like to have a preliminary chat on the phone or by e-mail (see contact details below), but it's not necessary to go into any detail at this stage. I am happy to answer questions and help you in your search for the right practitioner. This is part of the job. I will respect any decision you make and, if I don't think I would be the right person to work with you, I will say so and suggest other names or ideas.
There is no such thing as a long piece of work, except one that you dare not start.
- Charles Baudelaire
If you would like to contact me click here to email me or ring 01786 478813.